The Body Toning range is formulated with a combination of powerful natural ingredients to nourish and revitalise skin. Sweet Almond oil is incorporated for its antioxidant properties. Shea Butter to promote intense moisturisation. Cinnamon is known to aid in detoxification and improve blood circulation. Tea Tree to promote increased sweating and assist in the removal of toxins from the body. Meanwhile, Ginger provides a warming effect and possesses analgesic properties, helping to reduce muscle aches. Nutmeg oil contributes to its antibacterial and antiseptic qualities, aiding in lifting dull and wrinkled skin. Orange oil uplifts with its pleasant fragrance and acts as a natural anti-inflamatory, as well as assisting in the elimination of toxins from the body.
A whole body treatment, starts with measurements taken if potential inch loss is required, body brushing, exfoliation with a dense body scrub, then removed, the toning gel is applied then followed by wrapping the body in film for inch loss, or a thermal blanket for detoxification. You lie comfortably under a thermal blanket relaxing for half an hour whilst I give you a complementary foot/hand massage/ mini accupressure face massage. The wrap is removed and any excess gel massaged in, then to complete the luxury treatment, a theraputic massaging of body toning oil or lotion (your choice) is applied and measurements retaken to find out the results. You will feel and look refreshed, revitalised and more toned.
For home use a 250ml toning lotion can be purchased to maintain the work for only £8.25
For that special occasion/as a one off (1.15 hours) £55.00
For Maximum staying off power as part of a controlled £55.00 x 5 =
diet and exercise plan (Weekly) £275.00
(6th one free)